"What we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done"

Psalm 78:3-4

In May of 2024, Resurrection Lutheran Church celebrated 46 years of ministry in this neighborhood on the southern edge of Cary, North Carolina. Embracing our Savior's love continues in the faithful gathering of God's people. Worship at Resurrection is designed to be a life-changing encounter with the living God through Word and Sacrament. Services are planned to use the best of traditional and contemporary forms according to the church year and the weekly scripture lessons.

Resurrection has been joyfully serving and ministering to the western Wake County area since 1978. We are part of the larger Christian witness of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Southeastern District.

We offer trained lay caregivers, known as Stephen Ministers, to support us in our Christian journey. And we have small groups designed to connect us with Jesus and with each other, in order to build us up as followers of Jesus.

Among the care ministries we support are Habitat for Humanity - Lutheran CoalitionFamilies Together, Western Wake Crisis Ministry, Dorcas Ministries, Lutheran World Relief, Operation InasmuchSleep in Heavenly PeaceMid-Atlantic Lutherans in Mission, Transitions LifeCare, Safe Families for Children, and Meals on Wheels of Wake County, as well as our own Food and Fellowship for the Blind and The Coffeehouse for Adults with Special Needs.

Resurrection Lutheran Preschool offers opportunities and experiences that will enrich, expand, and develop a child’s ever-increasing accumulation of knowledge in a loving Christian atmosphere since 1984. Resurrection Lutheran School provides a Lutheran educational experience that is Christ-centered, as well as academically focused for children in junior kindergarten through eighth grade.

Take a look! There are many opportunities to connect, serve, learn, and grow at Resurrection. We encourage you to find areas of interest that best suit your natural gifts and join us as we reach out with the love of Christ, by grace, through faith, for service.