Our Children and Family Ministry is all about:
> bringing our kids closer to Jesus
> providing a safe place for children to gather
> encouraging children to bring a friend
> building discipleship skills
> offering educational opportunities for families
Questions? Contact Erika Hulse, Children and Family Ministry Director,
or 919-851-7248, ext. 62.
Sunday Morning
Nursery for Infants and Toddlers
The nursery room is open to use on Sundays, 7:45 am-11:00 am. It is located near the Fellowship Hall and restrooms.
It is staffed by screened volunteers during the 9:30 am worship service for your infant through 3-year-old child(ren). It is available for unattended family use whenever needed.
Worshipping with Small Children
Children are welcome in all of our worship services. God loves the little children, and so do we!
Rainbow Bags are available to use during worship. Feel free to have your child grab a bag on the way into service from the Narthex or Family Life Center lobby. Please return the bag on your way out.
Children's Message
Our focus is to connect the theme and message of the day in a simpler way that children can understand and relate to on their level. We invite the children to come forward to hear the message.
Sunday School
Children, preschool-5th grade, are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30, September-May, for Bible accounts, games, crafts, and fun! All classes are held in the Family Life Center.
- Preschool in Room 132
- Kindergarten-1st Grade in Room 135
- 2nd-3rd Grade in Room 131
- 4th-5th Grade in Room 133
Children's Church
Children's Church is held during the 11:00 am Praise and Worship service in the Family Life Center. Children, ages 3-6, are dismissed before the sermon for a 20-minute Bible lesson with corresponding crafts, games, and songs. This is a time to help grow their faith.
Wednesday Night Events
Kidz Live
The Justice Family is leading children, preschool-5th grade, through the Hands-On Bible curriculum. It is never too late to join them on Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, September-May, in Room 151, Family Life Center! Kidz Live does not meet during Lent.
K.I.C.K.S (Kids In Christ Keep Shining)
K.I.C.K.S. provides fun and fellowship for kids in 3rd-5th grade.
Led by the Breiler Family, we meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6:00-7:00 pm, September-May, in the Family Life Center Gym. There is a devotion, games, and fun activities. K.I.C.K.S. does not meet during Lent.
Christian Education
For information regarding baptisms at Resurrection, please contact Pastor Jonathan Blanke at
First Communion
First Communion Instruction for 5th Grade youth (and others interested) was held on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 pm from January 8-February 26, 2025 using This Is the Feast: Preparing for the Lord’s Supper (CPH). Led by Tyler Timm.
If interested in receiving more information about opportunities for Holy Communion among our church’s youth, reach out to Pastor Jonathan Blanke, .
Moms together
Moms, you are invited to join other moms for get togethers to socialize, share tips, make new friends, and sometimes work on crafts or projects.
Contact Erika Hulse for more details.