Confirmation provides a toolbox of equipping, modeling, and
encouraging that promotes a lifestyle of following Jesus.


Confirmation Starts
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
6:30-7:30 pm

Confirmation 1 with Pastor Zach Sarrault in Room 240, Family Life Center

Confirmation 2 with Pastor Alan Shaw in Room 251, Family Life Center


Youth Confirmation at RLC is a 2-year program that traditionally begins at Grade 7 (Year 1) and finishes at the end of Grade 8 (Year 2).

A Family Experience at RLC

At baptism, parents, sponsors, and members of the congregation receive God’s promises and make promises to be God’s instruments in nurturing the faith of the one baptized. Confirmation is one part of that lifelong sharing of God’s gifts. Young people at this stage prepare to make their profession of faith in their own expressions and be commissioned into full participation in congregational life.

At confirmation, a young Christian declares that he or she has been baptized, confesses the faith, and shares in communion with Christ and His Church.

At Resurrection Lutheran Church (RLC), confirmation is not an education exercise that ends in a graduation. Rather, confirmation is a time for young people to immerse themselves in the Holy Scriptures, intentionally experience various aspects of congregational life, and seek the guiding of the Holy Spirit for confirming them in their faith as they say “yes” to the confession others made on their behalf at their baptism and are received as confirmed members of Resurrection Lutheran Church.

Home-Centered, Church-Supported Experience

Parents continue to have the greatest influence nurturing the faith of youth. RLC is here to equip parents, sponsors, members of the congregation, and youth as they live out foundational promises made at baptism. Equipping parents to be the primary faith nurturer in a child’s life, especially as a child grows into young adulthood, builds a Scriptural framework for Christian education that accords with God’s own plan for us (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

Parental and family involvement is necessary and part of God’s plan for your student’s faith life. The classroom portion of the student’s learning is only one element. Family worship, discussions, at-home projects, and life situations also help shape the discipleship of the student and are a vital part of the confirmation process.

What is expected of the confirmand?

As a maturing young person, the confirmand is expected to be responsible for their learning with lots of help from their parents and class leaders. Important components of their responsibilities include:

  • Active, regular participation in worship and Bible study at RLC.
  • Not more than 7 excused absences (25%) from in-person Confirmation classes.
  • Complete sermon notes (10 per year). Discuss sermon and worship experience with your family on a regular basis.
  • Participate in missional service projects (10 credit hours/year).
  • Attend confirmation retreat (if available).
  • Give your personal 100% and make it a lifestyle.
  • Respect yourself, other people, and property.
  • Encourage others. We laugh “with” not “at” others.

Sermon Notes
As we grow in our hearing of God’s preached Word, sermon notes help develop a discerning attitude and a deeper sense of active participation (active listening) in our worship.

For your convenience in completing worship/sermon notes, blank forms will be available in the mailboxes next to the door leading into the Narthex and on the children’s table in the Family Life Center.

Be sure to include all information written clearly. Return completed forms to the appropriate mailbox by the door to the Narthex. They will be returned to the family mailbox with notes to the student by Anne Altieri. If you are unable to return completed sermon notes in person, you may also email them to Mrs. Altieri.

Service Hours
Missional service is one way to show God’s love to others. Face-to-face service (working together with another person) is strongly encouraged.

After completing each act of service, please fill out the Service Project card found near the entrance of each worship location. For worship in the main sanctuary, check the last column of mailboxes on the left as you are transitioning from the hallway to the worship reception area. For worship in the Family Life Center, look on the shelves over on the left side as you prepare to enter the gym. Completed cards should be returned to the Completed Card mailbox located in the last column of church mailboxes near the doorway to the Narthex.

For more information regarding the confirmation program, review the 2022/2023 Confirmation Handbook.