Men's Weekly Study and Fellowship

Men's Weekly meets Mondays, 7:00-8:15 pm in Room 240, Family Life Center, September through May. The weekly series opens with fellowship, a brief faith-based video relevant to men's issues, followed by small table discussion, and more fellowship. All designed to strengthen the men's community and their relationship with Jesus. Men are invited to join any or all weeks as schedule permits. Friends and neighbors welcome.

Current Study: Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt by Craig Parton, Esq. 
March 3-24)

Biblical criticism, ancient historical voices, the illumination of archaeology, the testimony of first-century followers of Jesus Christ -- all these come to bear on the examination of the reliability of the Scriptures in The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt.

In The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, the case is made that the Scriptures are authentic, dependable, God-inspired and worthy-not only of our full attention but of our complete faith. In this Men's NetWork Bible study, attorney Craig Parton leads the viewer through relevant points that comprise this important discussion. He asks, "Is this book, the Bible, and its contents-reliable?"

This question has been fiercely debated for centuries-and rightly so. If the Bible is not worthy of our faith, if it is riddled with errors, if it is full of inconsistent and false information, then knowing that up front is vital in forming a decision about it. If, on the other hand, the Bible stands up to critical scrutiny and academic investigation, if it shows itself to be a trustworthy record of historical events and God's dealing with man, then its all-inclusive promise to sinners of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ makes it the world's most important book.

In four sessions, The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt addresses critical views of the Scripture, examines evidence from the ancient world, surveys how archaeology often corroborates the Biblical record and considers the word of those who were either Jesus' contemporaries or were closely connected to eyewitnesses who knew Jesus -and His remarkable life-well.


Men with Kids

Men with Kids gather to strengthen their men's community. Join us for fellowship, study, and small group discussion. This group follows the Confirmation class schedule. We gather in Room 247 of the Family Life Center on Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm. Throughout the summer, group may meet off-site. Please attend when your schedule allows.

Current Study: Facing Disaster Like A Man by Rev. Kurt Klaus (February 26-March 19)

Disasters! Life's catastrophes come in many shapes and sizes, and their unwelcome intrusion leaves us reeling. Grief, profound uncertainty and -- not infrequently -- more questions than can reasonably be answered, rise from its wake. In this devastation, the heart is drawn to look for answers human reason cannot provide.

This three-lesson Bible study stresses the importance of relying on God in an age when the specter of disaster is an all-too-familiar occurrence.

In Facing Disaster Like A Man, Pastor Kurt Klaus considers the tragedies that strike our lives. Be they natural, unnatural, or self-inflicted, they turn our lives upside down and inside out. Whether their aftermath finds us in the rubble of our homes, businesses, or personal lives, there is a way out of the wreckage, and it begins and ends with God.

Conveying God's matchless love and grace when, by human standards, our disaster would leave us in ruin, Klaus reminds us that He is in control, even in the most desperate of circumstances. Opening Psalm 46:1 the Psalmist writes, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." This is the good news when all news seems bad; this is the single, unstoppable ray of light when darkness would overwhelm us. Though hope may seem an impossible dream, there is a way through the darkness.

Klaus reminds us that the God of the Old and New Testaments is a God who, by virtue of his omniscience and omnipotence, is in command. He will get us through every tight spot and every unforeseen difficulty -- no matter how hopeless, no matter how painful. The assault to our sanity may be a hurricane, a divorce, or a bankruptcy. Whatever the disaster is, facing it -- and overcoming it -- can be achieved by God's grace and the comfort He provides.


Monthly Breakfast

Men's Breakfast is held the second Saturday of the month, September through May. Join us at 8:00 am for breakfast, fellowship, song, and message. Great way to start your Saturday! All men, teenager and up, are invited.

Next Breakfast: May 10
(No March Breakfast due to Men's Retreat, No Apil Breakfast due to Operation Inasmuch)


Annual Retreat and Service Weekend

All men are invited to this annual event from Friday, March 7 at 6:00 pm-Sunday morning, March 9!

The weekend will be filled with service, study, food, and fun! Held at Camp Agape (1369 Tyler Dewar Lane, Fuquay Varina NC).

2025 Theme is Equipped To Be Men of God. Study Leader will be Pastor Zach Sarrault.

Mark your calendars for this fun and impactful event!

Click to View the Men's Ministry Annual Retreat Photo Gallery


Other Related Events:

Work and Fellowship Weekends
TBA at Camp Agape near Fuquay-Varina
TBA at Camp Agape Kure Beach
Contact: Tom Gebbia

Operation Inasmuch
A Morning of Serving the Community
Saturday, April 27, 2025 | 8:00 am-Noon
Resurrection Lutheran Church

And Activities:

Men’s Softball
Join your fellow church members in representing RLC in the Town of Cary's Church League. Games played Tuesday and Thursday nights, Late March through June. Details:

Email   for more information.

Habitat for Humanity
Contact Tim Hiteshew for details.
Habitat Weather Line: 919-833-1999, ext. 240

RLC Grounds Work Parties
Scheduled periodically throughout the year.

Mission Trips
Travel to different parts of the country and the world.
Contact: Ron Bostick

Resurrection Service Project (RSP)
Helping members of the congregation with small service projects.
Request membership to "RSP" group in RCB.
Contact Tim Hiteshew for details.

Please contact Tom Gebbia at  for more information regarding the RLC Men's Ministry and any of the events.

For more information on Lutheran Hour Ministries' Men's NetWork or a specific video series, go to