Join us for dinner during Lent
on Wednesdays, 5:00-5:45 pm, in the Family Life Center Gym!

Dinners are prepared for all ages with a buffet style setup including dessert. There will be vegetarian option available upon request. Excellent opportunity to bond with family and friends, new and old, over a sit-down meal!


March 5 - No Dinner, Ash Wednesday
March 12 - Soup and Chili Potluck, Bread, Salad, Fruit, and Cookies
March 19 - TBD
March 26 - Quiche, Salad, Fruit, and Cinnamon Rolls


All are welcome! Reservations requested by Monday Noon each week.

Suggested donation of $7 per person or $25 per family.
Cash, check, or card payable at door.

(If you plan to attend multiple dinners, you may pay in advance.)

Please reply by Monday Noon:

Weekly Dinner Reservations

Reservations for current week by Monday Noon.

If you plan to attend all the dinners (or multiple dates), please let us know by adding a note here. We will add a standing reservation for you. You will not have to continue to RSVP.

Terms and Conditions*

By checking "Yes," you verify that all reservations above are correct. You also affirm that you will arrive on Wednesday and abide by your reservations.


Interested in volunteering to help with set up, serving, and cleaning? Sign up today!

Questions? Contact Kim Simpson through RCB or the church office (919-851-7248, ). We look forward to seeing you!