Resurrection's Youth Ministry offers the youth of our congregation spiritual-based meetings and fun activities ideal for their age groups.
MIDDLE SCHOOL (6th-8th grade)
HIGH SCHOOL (9th-12th grade)
Contact Jenny Piontek, Youth Director,
or 919-851-7248, ext.24.
Follow us on Instagram @youthatrlc!
Greetings, Youth Families!
It is hard to believe we are already launching into February!
I am very proud of our middle school youth who have welcomed our 5th grade students that will join us in the Fall as new 6th graders and youth group members. This is such a great opportunity for them to share Christ’s community with the next group and be leaders in the faith. They did a fabulous job!
Sunday School and Youth Groups will continue as normal this month.
There are some big events coming up in March, so mark your calendars.
March 1 - Interactive Mother Daughter Tea
Mothers and daughters of all ages (multiple generations welcome) are invited to an interactive tea. This event will have interactive stations set up that are Biblically based for moms and daughters to explore together. Mini sandwiches, fruit, veggies, sweet treats, and tea will be served. Cost is $5/person. You can sign up now!
March 4 - Pancake Supper
We will be serving again at the pancake supper. This is a great opportunity to serve your RLC church community. You will be serving the meal and help with part of the clean-up. Plan for 5:00-7:30 pm (or any time you can show up). Parents, we would love your help in the kitchen!
March 21 - RLC Youth Late Night
We will be having a fun night at the church with laser tag (by Mission Games), in the dark games, devotions, food, lots of laughs and fun! From 6:00-10:00 pm, cost is $5/person. Sign up and waivers coming soon!
Sunday Morning
Join us for Sunday School from 9:30-10:30 am!
Sunday School for children and youth, preschool-high school, runs September through May from 9:30-10:30 am in the Family Life Center.
Middle School and High School meets on Sundays, 9:30-10:30 am, in The Warehouse (Room 253), Family Life Center, and is led by Jenny Piontek.
Youth Groups
Middle school students (6th-8th grade) are in an important stage of faith building. The goal is to spark that faith flame and watch it grow! We have fun, ask questions, build our team and group up, learn, serve, engage, grow, and take that faith spark out into our homes, church, families, and community.
We meet Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, September through May, in The Warehouse (Room 253) of the Family Life Center.
Youth Group for high school students, 9th-12th grade, meets on Sundays, 5:00-6:30 pm, September through May, in The Warehouse (Room 253) of the Family Life Center.
Service events and Mission Trips
Youth Confirmation at RLC is a 2-year program: 7th Grade/Confirmation 1 and 8th Grade/Confirmation 2. If you are interested in Confirmation, reach out to Pastor Zach Sarrault at .
LEARN MORE about our Confirmation program.
Did you know that we have 17 youth and 6 adults signed up to attend the 2025 Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer?
True! You will be seeing a lot of information and fundraising opportunities to support our group. For each youth and adult to attend from RLC, it costs $1,860 (this includes registration/participation fees, hotel, plane, activities, food, transportation, etc.). It’s a lot and we appreciate your support!
Hear from the kids about their experiences at the last Youth Gathering:
SCRIP is a gift card buying program that allows families to earn money through the purchasing of gift cards or e-cards. When you plan to go shopping for the things you are already going to buy (groceries, Amazon, home improvements, etc.), purchase a gift card or e-card first through Scrip and then shop.
You can earn a percentage of the gift card/e-card purchase for your youth's account. This money adds up fast and can be used as payments towards Youth Gathering, camps, events, etc.
Don’t have any youth, but still want to help RLC?
You can direct your earned rewards to the church, preschool, school, youth ministry, even designate a particular youth. SCRIP is an easy way to help out with Resurrection Lutheran youth programs.
If you are interested in joining SCRIP or finding out more information, please contact Jenny Piontek ( ).